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openCommander is meant to be something more than "yet-antoher-norton_commander-clone" and something more than just an alternative for non-open source file managers. Time goes by so more efficient and powerfull tools are necessary to ease our lives :).

The most important features are:

  • decent working speed,
  • portability (thats why we are using Java),
  • good-looking, conveniet and friendly GUI,
  • extensibility - plug-in support,
  • distributed under GNU General Public License,

Functionality (most important things):

  • supporting FTP, SFTP, SCP, CVS, NFS,
  • support for archives in formats like TAR, GZ, ZIP, RAR
  • tabbed browsing (like in Galeon or Mozilla),
  • enabling personalization,
  • facilitaton of downloading openCommander plug-ins (browser, downloader and installer - all in one),

Some plug-ins suggestions (to be developed later):

  • the console,
  • ssh client,
  • graphics viewer,
  • download manager (?),
  • jabber client (?),
  • RMI support (?),

Last modification: 01:54:32 04 Feb 2004 GMT


dziwisz <at> users sourceforge net

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